To get connected, open the Bluetooth & other devices menu in Windows by pressing the Windows key and typing 'Bluetooth.' Then click 'Add Bluetooth or other device' and the first item on the next menu that says 'Bluetooth.' Your PC will start searching for available devices. To use the DualSense via Bluetooth, you'll need a USB Bluetooth adapter (or a motherboard with Bluetooth built-in). If you need to buy a cable, here's a two-pack from Anker for $11. Bummer! Get your hands on a cable, plug it in, and you're on your way. While the PlayStation 5 console comes with one packed in, the DualSense sold by itself doesn't.
To connect the controller to your PC via USB, you're going to need a USB Type-C to USB-A cable for your PC (or a USB Type-C to Type-C cable if you happen to have a convenient port available).

Connecting: Wired or Bluetooth How do I use DualSense controller on PC?