
Where is my hammer no
Where is my hammer no

Peterson can be seen boarding up the basement with a hammer, but it is not found in gameplay.

  • It was removed in Alpha 2 and replaced with the crowbar with the same function.
  • It was used in Pre-Alpha and Alpha 1 but later became useless.
  • IN Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek the hammer is on a box in stage 5.
  • Peterson using it to board up the basement door but cannot be found anywhere in the house.
  • In Alpha 4/ Beta 1/ Beta 2/ Beta 3/Act 3, the hammer is in Fear Darkness.
  • In Alpha 3 once again the hammer is absent.
  • Peterson uses it to board up the basement and cannot be found anywhere in the house.

    where is my hammer no

  • In Alpha 1 it is located in the bedroom and garage.
  • where is my hammer no

  • In the Pre-Alpha it is located in the boiler room and the garage.
  • In the Prototype it is located in the closet room under some boxes.
  • In Act 3 there is a cutscene with the hammer, but the only other place other hammer in the full game is in Fear Darkness, where it is sitting on one of the shelves. World AthleticsTDK No.1 The Hammer Throw A great parabola drawn by muscle strength and technique How is it possible to throw a heavy iron ball of 7 kg over. In Alpha 3, the hammers style was changed to look like other objects but wasn't seen.

    where is my hammer no

    In Alpha 2, it was only used in cutscenes. In the Prototype, Pre-Alpha and Alpha 1, the hammer is used to take the boards off the basement door.

    Where is my hammer no